Todos Santos Cuchumatán, Guatemala
After picking and mulling (removing the red outer shell), Martina's father Modesto and Martina's mother sort out any discolored beans (which are "green" now). They move the beans around to help them dry in the sun.

Alameda, California
Cartons containing the heavy coffee bags arrive in Alameda. The heavy cartons are brought inside by Bob, with the generous aid of neighbor Gary (under the supervision of Oliver, the dog). Then starts the 3 days of sorting with Martina's sisters Dominga (not pictured), Zoila, friend Elias, and Martina's "American mother" Lynn.

Oakland, California
After the sorting is done, bags of the coffee are brought to Red Bay Coffee in Oakland. Martina works with Karla Mancio, the head roaster. Karla oversees the roasting and tutors Martina through the process of nosing, tasting, and "slurping." (Photo credit: Sonya Yruel of Sonya Yruel Photography)

San Francisco, California
Red Bay Coffee also hired Martina to work at their coffee shop in the San Francisco Ferry Building, where she learns about the different types of coffee drinks -- lattes, cappucinos, etc. (Photo credit: Sonya Yruel of Sonya Yruel Photography)

Martina and Her Coffee
These are promotional photos taken by our good friend, Sonya Yruel of Sonya Yruel Photography, who donated her services to both of Martina's coffee projects.